Warhammer 40k harakoni warhawks

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They were carapace armor & don't employ the same tactics, equipment or fighting style as Elysians who are rapid insertion troops with (typically) very specific mission goals such as linking up with friendlies pinned down, establishing a beachhead for less mobile regiments or even surgical strikes at a key target. In terms of appearance warhawks are heavy infantry (in the guard sense). In regards to Elysians vs Harakoni there are significant differences. Now the SL is patterned after WWII German Wehrmacht during the Blitz! as such they were (when they had their own rules) an army focused on rapid response & redeployment.

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DKoK are the faceless multitude of WWI Prussian trench soldiers where quantity had a quality all its own. However, both are patterned after German military forces. Stylisticly they're similar in that they wear trench coats & gas masks.

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Well first of all, it depends on what you consider to be similar in the SL & DKoK.